General Terms and Conditions of Use

Article 1 : Purpose

These T&Cs or General Terms and Conditions of Use, provide a legal framework for the use of the services of the Ampy website (hereinafter referred to as « the website »).

Access to the website constitutes a contract between Ampy and the User, and must be preceded by acceptance of these T&Cs. Access to this platform signifies acceptance of these T&Cs.

Article 2 : Access to the website

The Ampy website provides free access to the following services:

  • The display of Ampy partner artists;
  • Display of non-fungible tokens (NFT) created by Ampy;
  • Access to the creation of an Ampy user account;
  • The possibility of receiving a free non-fungible token from Ampy's partner artists, through the purchase of a physical or digital album of said artists.

The website is accessible free of charge from anywhere by any user with Internet access. All costs necessary for access to the services (computer equipment, Internet connection, etc.) are at the user's expense.

Access to the services dedicated to members is made by means of an e-mail address, a login and a password.

Article 3 : Data collection

For the creation of the User's account, the collection of information at the time of registration on the website is necessary and mandatory. In accordance with the law n°78-17 of January 6th relating to data processing, files and freedoms, the collection and processing of personal information is carried out in the respect of private life.

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, Articles 39 and 40, the User has the right to access, rectify, delete and oppose his or her personal data. This right can be exercised by :

  • The contact form;
  • His customer area.

The information collected on this site is recorded in a file used by SAS Ampy for its commercial activity. The legal basis for the processing is given by the User's consent.

The data collected will be communicated to the Artist's teams, as soon as a User has a “Collectible” of the said Artist.

The data is kept for the duration of the contract (see Article 9).

You may access your data, rectify it, request its deletion or exercise your right to limit the processing of your data. To exercise these rights or for any question about the processing of your data in this system, you can contact our team via:

Consult the website for more information on your rights.

Article 4 : Intellectual property

The trademarks, logos and content of the Ampy website (graphic illustrations, texts, etc.) are protected by the Intellectual Property Code and by copyright.

The reproduction and copying of content by the User requires prior authorisation from the website. In this case, any use for commercial or advertising purposes is prohibited.

Article 5 : Liability

Although the information published on the website is deemed reliable, the website reserves the right not to guarantee the reliability of the sources.

The information published on the Ampy website is presented for information purposes only and has no contractual value. Despite regular updates, the website cannot be held responsible for any changes in administrative and legal provisions that occur after publication. The same applies to the use and interpretation of the information provided on the platform.

The website declines all responsibility for any viruses that may infect the user's computer equipment after using or accessing this website.

The website cannot be held responsible in the event of force majeure or the unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party.

The website does not guarantee the total security and confidentiality of the data. However, the website undertakes to implement all the methods required to do so as best it can.

Article 6 : Hypertext links

The website may contain hypertext links. By clicking on these links, the User will leave the platform. The platform has no control over and cannot be held responsible for the content of the web pages relating to these links.

Article 7 : Cookies

When visiting the website, a cookie may be automatically installed on the User's browser.

Cookies are small files that are temporarily stored on the hard disk of the User's computer. These cookies are necessary to ensure accessibility and navigation on the website. These files do not contain any personal information and cannot be used to identify a person.

The information contained in the cookies is used to improve the performance of navigation on the website.

By browsing the website, the User accepts cookies. They can be deactivated via the settings of the browser software.

Article 8 : Publication by the User

The Ampy website allows members to upload a profile image, a banner image and a description.

In their publications, members are required to respect the rules of Netiquette as well as the legal rules in force.

The website has the right to exercise prior moderation on the publications and may refuse to put them online without having to provide justification.

The member retains all intellectual property rights. However, any publication on the website implies the delegation of the non-exclusive and free right to the publishing company to represent, reproduce, modify, adapt, distribute and disseminate the publication anywhere and on any medium for the duration of the intellectual property. This may be done directly or through an authorised third party. This includes the right to use the publication on the web and on mobile phone networks.

The publisher undertakes to mention the name of the member in the vicinity of the publication for each use.

The User is responsible for any content that he/she puts online. The User undertakes not to publish content that may harm the interests of third parties. Any legal proceedings brought by an injured third party against the website shall be borne by the User.

The website may delete or modify the User's content at any time, for any reason and without notice.

Article 9 : Duration of the contract

This contract is valid for an indefinite period. The beginning of the use of the services of the website marks the application of the contract with regard to the User.

Article 10 : Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

This contract is subject to French law. Failure to resolve disputes between the parties amicably shall result in recourse to the competent French courts to settle the dispute.

Article 11 : Use of Third-Party Services and Associated Data

1. Third-Party Services Used

The Ampy platform integrates third-party services to enhance the user experience and provide enriched functionalities. One such integration is with Spotify, the music streaming service that enables us to offer you personalized features.

2. Spotify Specific Terms and Conditions

Access to your Spotify Account Information

Subscription Type and Account Information : access to your Spotify subscription type, the country registered in your account and your explicit content filtering preferences.
Personal Information : access to your name, Spotify ID, profile picture and public playlists.

Viewing Your Spotify Activity

Access to information about the content you have recently listened to, including your favorite artists and tracks.

Revocation Rights

You have the right to revoke this access at any time via your Ampy account settings.

Contractual and Technical Requirements

No Warranties and No Representations : Ampy makes no representations or warranties on behalf of Spotify. We expressly disclaim all implied warranties regarding the Spotify platform, the Spotify service and Spotify content, including implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.
Prohibition of Modification and Derivation : you may not modify or create derivative works from the Spotify Platform, the Spotify Service or the Spotify Content. Furthermore, you may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or reduce the Spotify Platform, the Spotify Service or the Spotify Content into source code or any other human-perceivable form, to the full extent allowed by law.
Product Liability : Ampy is responsible for its own products and services and accepts no liability for third parties, including Spotify. Spotify is recognized as a third-party beneficiary of our End User Agreement and Privacy Policy, and may enforce this agreement directly.

3. Use and Sharing of Data

The information collected from Spotify is used to enrich and personalize your experience on Ampy. Ampy undertakes not to share this data with third parties other than those strictly necessary for the provision of the services.

4. Privacy Policy and Cookies

Privacy Policy :describes in detail how we collect, use and share your information, including data collected via Spotify. For more details, please consult our Privacy Policy.
Use of Cookies : we use cookies to improve the efficiency and personalization of our services. For more information on the use of cookies and your management options, please consult our Privacy Policy.

5. Modifications and Notification

Ampy reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Users will be notified of any significant changes and their continued use of the platform constitutes acceptance of the new terms.

6. Sharing Data with Artists for Communication Purposes

Purpose of Data Sharing : Ampy may share data related to your Tops Artists and Songs with artists connected to our platform. This data may allow artists to engage in direct communication with users for promotional or informational activities.
Means of Communication : communication may be carried out by SMS, e-mail, notification on our site, or via digital information services such as social networks (WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram...).
User Consent : this sharing will only be carried out with your explicit consent, obtained when you choose to activate this feature or at any time thereafter, via your account settings.
Data Protection : we are committed to ensuring that shared data remains secure and is processed only for the purposes stipulated. Artists receiving such data will be held to the same standards of confidentiality and security as Ampy.